We definitely do not advise anyone to consume irrational amounts of alcohol, but having a booze party once in a blue moon might not be such a bad idea now, would it?Now, how would it be if you pay for a single cocktail and it turns out to be more than enough to get your evening going? Great, right?There are an ample number of drinks that have similar concepts.Tropical Pina ColadaIngredientsWhite rum-90mlCoconut cream -15 mlWhole pineapple -1Coconut syrup -60 mlIce cube -200grmGlass- Serve in tropical whole fresh pineappleGarnish - Pineapple cube and cherryMethodBlend well all the ingredients together and serve it in whole fresh pineapple.While a casual cocktail contains around 30 to 45 ml of alcohol, there are some beverages, that -- alcohol content-wise -- can put these drinks to shame. We visited places and selected China Twist Drill factory some which we thought would be party-setters. Long Island iced tea is a prime example.. But there are some which were unique and beyond our expectations. Cocktails are usually more expensive than straight drinks and as a result, restrict a party goer to experiment with his or her drinking spirit.
So, don’t shy away from exploring these and drink responsibly, because we are sure that a lot can happen over a single drink.Six wise men go madIngredientsSix type of premium whisky -15 ml eachJagermeister-30mlSugar syrup – 20 gmsIce cube- 150gmsGlass – Old fashioned glassGarnish – Orange peel and cherryMethodStraight on the old fasion glass (on the rocks)— Recipes by Padam Risme, Café Delhi HeightsBang n blowIngredientsWhite rum-20mlVodka -20mlGin-20mlTriple sec -15mlSilver tequila-20mlSambucca-15mlCream de cassis-15 mlFresh lemon juice-10mlCranberry juice-60mlSugar syrup-20mlIce-250gmsGlass-honey jarGarnish –red cherryMethodPour all the ingredients into a shaker full of ice and shake well and then serve in a honey jar
Megosztás a facebookonArticle 3 of the Constitution states categorically that Parliament cannot form a new state by separation of territory from any state, increase or diminish the area of any state, or alter the boundaries of any state unless the Bill for this purpose “has been referred by the President to the legislature of that state for expressing its views thereon…”. If the Constitution says that their views need to be taken into account before a change of such tectonic proportions is imposed on them, then that should have been the way the government should have acted. The danger is that there are no checks and balances left in the arbitrary subversion of constitutional processes. What has happened, therefore, is a very substantial change, and it matters to every other state in India how this has been done. To do away with it — in the manner that the government did — is the easier part of a far more complex exercise. This is true, but I would still argue that the process should have been attempted, and any other course of action - such as the one taken now-should have had the fig leaf at least of an attempt to consult with the citizens of J&K. Article 370 (3) also clearly states that the President may declare, by public notification, that Article 370 shall cease to be operative “provided that the recommendation of the Constituent Assembly of the state… shall be necessary before the President issues such a notification”. It was a clever move, but not a constitutionally correct one. This is the time when we need to once again recall the slogan which Atal Bihari Vajpayee took to the people of J&K: Kashmiriyat, Jamhooriyat and Insaniyat.
The Kashmir valley is under siege. It can only be hoped that the PM39;s promise, in his address to the nation, that J&K will now see a quantum jump in investments, the creation of jobs, tourism and overall economic prosperity, becomes a reality. In the entire history of India, there have been occasions when a UT has been converted to a state, but never a case of a state converted to a UT. In the face of such a categorical provision in the Constitution, what did the government do? It deferred the due elections in J&K, extended President’s rule, subsumed to itself through Parliament the powers of the Assembly under Article 356, dispensed with any need to consult with a duly elected state legislature, and used its brute majority in the Lok Sabha and a managed majority in the Rajya Sabha to do away with Article 370. Restrictions have been imposed in several districts J&K after the state lost its special status. Jammu & Kashmir’s Constituent Assembly dissolved itself in 1957 without recommending either abrogation or amendment of Article 370. There is no internet, no mobile telephony, no cable network, no broadband, and because of the curfew, no freedom to move about freely. The key imperative is that J&K needs a healing touch and a return to normalcy, in which the state is not only fully integrated with India legally but also emotionally. (Photo: PTI)Let us accept, for argument39;s sake, that the abrogation of Article 370 is a positive step that will bring to Kashmir — as the government claims — prosperity, progress and security. Finally, let us agree that, now that the abrogation of Article 370 has become the law, it is the patriotic duty of all Indians to support the government as it attempts to restore normalcy and transform Kashmir. In this goal, the entire nation stands with him and the government. The real challenge begins now.The legislative assembly of J&K is the successor to the Constituent Assembly, and must, therefore, be the deemed institution that is mandated by the Constitution for recommending any change to Article 370. However, the fact of the matter is that Article 370 now stands read down. There is also the apprehension of an increase in terrorism. The government claims that attempts to restore normalcy have begun, and in this endeavour it has the support of every citizen of India.Rapid Action Force personnel patrol a street during restrictions in Jammu on Friday. This point of view is not about political partisanship, but a sober reading of the provisions of the Constitution. Alienation is a fertile ground for creating militancy.
Pavan K VarmaThe writer, an author and former diplomat, is a member of the JD(U). Our defence and paramilitary forces should be fully equipped to give a befitting reply to all such attempts. There is no doubt that J&K — including Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) — is an integral part of India, and that what we do in J&K is our internal matter. The repercussions of acting in such a way are not only legal. Almost certainly, Pakistan will seek to exploit the situation, and increase its sponsorship of terrorism.India’s diplomacy too will face major challenges. Let us also accept that Article 370 was a temporary provision, and its abrogation was desirable seventy years after Independence.end-ofTags: article 370, j&k valley. They are not some mechanical artefact outside the democratic fabric of India. The people of J&K are flesh-and-blood citizens of our country. After all, a territory that was a state till the other day has been converted to a Union territory (UT), and the powers of its legislature drastically curbed in favour of those vested with the lieutenant governor.
However, Pakistan will do its utmost to internationalise the situation, and we must pro-actively gear up to provide a convincing rebuttal.This being said, it is still a fact that the manner in which Article 370 was abrogated does not stand the test of constitutional propriety.Published: Aug 11, 2019, 12:00 am IST Updated: Aug 11, 2019, 12:00 am IST The people of J&K are flesh-and-blood citizens of China Sliding seatpump series manufacturers our country.It can be argued that if the government had indeed acted on the recommendation of the J&K legislature, it would never have achieved its objective, because the legislature would never volitionally recommend the abrogation of Article 370. In the current situation we have tarred by the same brush of condemnation even those leaders and political parties who were stakeholders in the democratic process, and were only till recently partners in a coalition with mainstream national parties. To be sensitive to such matters is essential in a federal polity, because a wrong precedent opens the sluice gate to other constitutional misadventures, especially since the government now has an overwhelming majority in the Lok Sabha, and is able to produce one in the Rajya Sabha, too
Megosztás a facebookonThe researchers told the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post that Pakistan had bought a highly sophisticated, large-scale optical tracking and measurement system from China and deployed it “at a firing range” for use in testing and developing its new missiles.Chinese authorities declassified information about the sale of the tracking system on Wednesday.Zheng Mengwei, a researcher with the state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Institute of Optics and Electronics in Chengdu, Sichuan province recently. In the past five years, Pakistan has bought 41 per cent of China’s exported weapons, according to analysts.3 million-strong military is the world’s largest, and Pakistan has emerged as the biggest consumer of the China-produced military hardware.Guoqiang’s comments came in the backdrop of China selling a powerful tracking system in an “unprecedented deal”, which could speed up the development of multi-warhead missiles by Pakistan.
Close ties between militaries of China and Pakistan will not only help an all-weather partnership between the two countries but also maintain regional peace and global stability, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) said on Thursday.China’s 2.More than 60 per cent of China’s exports went to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar and another 22 per cent went to Africa, a recent study report by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said.While India’s single-warhead missiles are bigger and cover longer distances, Pakistan has focused its efforts on developing multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs), a type of missile carrying several nuclear warheads that can be directed towards different targets, the report said.3 million-strong military is the world’s largest, and Pakistan has emerged as the biggest consumer of the China-produced military hardware.Unlike the US, which accounts for one-third of exports and supplies at least 100 countries, China delivered major arms to 44 countries, mostly in Asia and Africa.
We have maintained very high level of defence exchange and cooperation,” Chinese military spokesman, Col Ren Guoqiang told a media briefing in Beijing.“At the same time, I am very confident that military cooperation will help facilitate our state to state relationship and also in maintaining regional peace and international stability,” he said.Pakistan is seeking to make China its main supplier of military hardware, partly due to the looser financial terms offered by Beijing, replacing China mold parts Manufacturers traditional suppliers from the west.“China and Pakistan share all weather partnership.Close ties between China, Pak is seeking to make China its main supplier of military hardware, partly due to the looser financial terms offered by Beijing.The Post report attributed the sale of the equipment to Pakistan to India testing the most advanced nuclear-ready intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Agni-V with a range long enough to hit Beijing or Shanghai.China was the first country to export such sensitive equipment to Pakistan, CAS said.
Megosztás a facebookonVolkswagen AG, Fiat Chrysler and suppliers Aptiv PLC and NXP Semiconductors NV were among the sponsors of this year’s car hacking village - as some have done at previous DEF CON conventions.At DEF CON, the largely male participants are not registered by name to protect their privacy and attendees need to pay in cash to receive a blinking badge featuring an exposed circuit board that allows them to complete tasks. China Pengchi 12.11 grade screws suppliers end-of Tags: automakers, cybersecurity, car hacking.Assaf Harel, chief scientist of Karamba Security, an Israeli company that provides automotive security technology and works with car manufacturers and suppliers including Denso Corp and Alpine Electronics Inc, said the hacking community has opened the auto industry’s eyes.Volkswagen AG, Fiat Chrysler and suppliers Aptiv PLC and NXP Semiconductors NV were among the sponsors of this year’s car hacking village - as some have done at previous DEF CON conventions.
At a conference where hackers can try their hand at picking locks and discover cyber vulnerabilities in a makeshift hospital, they can also endeavor to break into the control units of cars and take over driving functions.Weaving their way through revelers at Blackjack tables and beauty salons promising non-surgical face lifts, DEF CON expects at least 25,000 attendees by the end of the weekend.Known for its sprawling resorts and casinos, Las Vegas once a year becomes the gathering place for tens of thousands of cybersecurity enthusiasts who attend DEF CON and the preceding corporate Black Hat conference. Cornelius was supervising a station where participants could try to hack into the control units of a 2012 Ford Focus.“Carmakers have been discovering new issues with their traditional architectures thanks to white hat hackers, which highlighted security needs for carmakers and suppliers alike,” said Harel, who operated a station where hackers could try to modify a model traffic light.
Those efforts at the DEF CON security convention in Las Vegas this weekend are sponsored by carmakers and suppliers that have increasingly recognized the need to collaborate with so-called white hat hackers - cyber experts who specialize in discovering vulnerabilities to help organizations.
More connections and technological features in modern vehicles also increasingly attract security professionals from other research areas, said Aaron Cornelius, senior researcher at cybersecurity company Grimm.Attendees who visited the car hacking site had to escape a vehicle by deciphering the code to open its trunk, control its radio volume and speed, and lock the doors through their computers.“Automotive provides a great challenge because the systems are distinct from other security areas,” said Craig Smith, a security researcher who, together with Robert Leale, founded the car hacking village in 2015.The conference provides a rare opportunity for enthusiasts to learn about car hacking, a resource-intense research field that requires specialized knowledge and lots of preparation.“A big part of it is redefining the term ‘hacker’ away from that of a criminal to make automakers understand that we’re here to make their systems more secure,” said Sam Houston, senior community manager at Bugcrowd, which recruits researchers for so called bug bounty programs at Tesla Inc, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV and other automakers.Automakers let hackers into their systems at cybersecurity
Megosztás a facebookonThey also procure heroin in raw and crude form and process it at their secret hideouts at Bareilly among others
There are certain areas in Jharkhand, especially naxalite-hit areas around Chatra and the hilly terrains of Manipur where people cultivate opium illegally and process it into pure form of heroin and supply the same to Delhi and UP through carriers. They also procure heroin in raw and crude form and process it at their secret hideouts at Bareilly among others.
The gang members came to the rendezvous point and began to move when the receiver did not come, the police moved in and apprehended them.Besides the heroin, several mobile handsets and SIM cards used in the drug trafficking activities Rotate type wafer roll machine were also recovered.The police in its tirade against drug suppliers had busted many narcotic drug cartels in the past and arrested several drug suppliers and recovered huge consignments of high-grade heroin, Mr Yadav said. Search of the accused led to the recovery of 5kg of fine quality heroin,” DCP, special cell, Sanjeev Kumar Yadav said.
Shakeel, Irshad and others drug dealers procure heroin in its pure form from Manipur and Jharkhand. Besides the heroin, several mobile handsets and SIM cards used in the drug trafficking activities were also recovered.Some of the keys members of this cartel, including Shakeel and Irshad and members of their Jharkhand and Manipur-based suppliers, were identified who ferry the drugs to Delhi-based drug traffickers, besides UP.5 kg of fine quality heroin worth more than Rs 234 crore in international market, apart from 45 kg of opium, 602 kg of cannabis. Three key gang members were arrested during the raid. Published: May 17, 2018, 5:28 am IST Updated: May 17, 2018, 5:28 am IST Police recovers fine quality heroin worth Rs 50crore, 3 key members arrested.Specific information was received by the police that Shakeel, Irshad and Jitender would come Shalimar Bagh to supply a huge consignment of heroin to one of their receivers in Delhi.
The accused have been identified as Shakeel (30) resident of Sahajhanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Irshad (29) resident of Badaun, UP and Jitender Yadav (23) of Jharkhand.Inter-state drug cartel busted THE ASIAN AGE.According to the police, information was received that an infamous drug cartel being run by Shakeel and Irshad, who supplied consignments of heroin in UP and Delhi-NCR.“Following the tip-off, the police laid a trap for the trio. Shakeel and Irshad along with their other active associates procured contraband from the drug suppliers of Jharkhand and Manipur.From January to May 15, 2018, special cell of Delhi police has so far recovered more than 58. (Representational Image) New Delhi: Delhi police busted an interstate drug cartel and recovered 5kg of fine quality heroin worth Rs 20 crore in the international market
Megosztás a facebookonA system long abolished by states but still continuing in certain parts, the NDA government has asked all states to invoke Sections 370 and 370A of the Indian Penal Code under the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013 to treat all such cases as “sexual exploitation”, besides slapping cases against offenders under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act and invoking penal provisions that deal with selling minors for prostitution.
A devadasi is a woman dedicated to worship and service of a deity or a temple all her life. end-ofLocation: India, Delhi, New Delhi.| NAMRATA BIJI AHUJA Published: Dec 27, 2015, 5:18 am IST Updated: Dec 27, 2015, 5:18 am IST The Nirbhaya tragedy has come to the rescue of devadasi in China Silver Crystal Series factory the country. The ministry of home affairs has said in its advisory to all state governments that in some parts India communities, like the Beriya and Nat, are still following the heinous practice “under the name of religious practice” and degrading women under the devadasi system. The Union home ministry has invoked the stringent provisions of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013, which gave the law more teeth after the Nirbhaya gangrape incident, to act as a deterrent to clamp down on the age-old “devadasi system” which, shockingly, continues to exist in some parts of the country.The Nirbhaya tragedy has come to the rescue of devadasi in the country
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